Our Catahoulas compete and excel in a variety of performance events such as agility, dock jumping, rally obedience, weight pull, lure coursing, barn hunt, and nose work in addition to conformation. We have members involved in every sport listed above and will be happy to help anyone wanting to get started in dog events with their Catahoula. A busy Catahoula is a happy Catahoula ! These dogs were bred to be active and need to be challenged, both mentally and physically.
UKC operates as an Owner/Handler regisry, meaning they do not allow professional handlers. It is a source of great pride to not only win, but win with your own dog. UKC promtoes this concept and also developed the Total Dog program. To win a Total Dog award your dog must win in the conformation ring and qualify in a performance event on the same day. Our club is home to multiple Total Dog Award recipients qualifying in a variety of different events.